FAQ Vendors Fulfilling Orders
Fulfilling Orders
As a seller, you can manage all your orders from the “Orders” menu under Order Listing.
Order Management Overview
- The Order Listing page provides a list of all orders placed with you.
- From the Order View page, you can:
- Accept and Fulfill orders for delivery or pickup (details below).
- Currently, shipping is unavailable. However, we are actively working on adding a feature in a future update that will allow sellers to ship their products and set up their own customized shipping rates.
- Print the invoice for each order.
Fulfillment Methods:
Local Delivery Orders:
- Click "view" from the Order View page
- Confirm in the Current Order Status that the Delivery Method is Local Delivery. Store pickup will also be marked as NO. Once confirmed, select the Accept and Fulfill Order button and select the Expected Delivery Date, then Accept Order.
- Select the quantity of the product to fulfill.
- Notify the customer when the order is out for delivery by choosing Other as the fulfillment method and entering Delivery for the tracking number and shipping method, then click Fulfill items.
- Notify the customer that the order has been delivered by clicking the Actions drop down menu and choosing Enter Delivery Details.
- Then check the delivered box, enter the delivery date, and click submit.
- Order will then update to Order Delivered with the time stamp.
- Ensure prompt delivery to maintain customer satisfaction.
Store Pickup Orders:
- Click "view" from the Order View page
- Store Pickup will be marked as YES in the order details. Confirm in the current order status that the delivery method is Local Store Pickup. Mark the order as Ready for Pickup when it is prepared.
- This action will send a notification email to the customer, letting them know their order is ready.
- After the customer collects their order, click Accept and Fulfill Order. Enter Store Pickup for the Tracking Number and Shipping Method, then click Fulfill items.
Payment Overview:
Orders > Payment Received:
- This section lists all payments received by the seller, including payment status.
- Review payments due and track all funds received.
Orders > Commission Listing:
- View a detailed breakdown of admin commissions on your orders.