FAQ Vendors Getting Started

Getting Started as a Seller

  1. Sign Up/Login:
    Create a seller account or log in to your existing account.

  2. Start Uploading Products:
    Once you’ve signed up, you can immediately begin uploading your products to the platform.

  3. Automatic Product Approval:
    All uploaded products are automatically approved and will appear on the Demeter Earth marketplace for customers to purchase.

  4. Go Live:
    Your products will be available for customers to purchase as soon as they are uploaded.

  5. Add Payment Details:
    Be sure to add your preferred payment details to receive payments for your orders.

  6. Support:
    If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to the Admin for assistance.

    Seller Login/Sign up:

    Note: Google Recaptcha will be mandatory for Seller Signup

    The seller/vendor needs to sign up on the store or log in to access the account.

    The seller can use the Join Us As a Vendor link here, or in the web app announcement bar to signup/login. 

    This is the signup/login page for the seller.


    To start adding products to the store, the seller needs to register/log in.