Songbird Delight Flower Mix 40 grams
Songbird Delight Flower Mix 40 grams
2024 seeds. Lure colorful finches, cardinals, blue jays, and nuthatches to your garden to dine on the variety of tasty seeds from the flowers that grow from this mix. A collection of annual and perennial blooming plants fill the summer garden with an assortment of colors, shapes, and sizes, followed by seed heads for hungry birds.
When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.
Cold Climates: 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date. You can also sow half the seed 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date (hoping the last frost is earlier than usual) and sow the second half a week or two after your average last frost date just to be safe). Mild Climates: Fall through early spring.
When to start inside: Not recommended
Special sowing instructions: Scatter seed and rake in lightly to a depth of 1/4". Be sure seeds are covered so that hungry birds can't see them, and pluck them up before they have a chance to sprout.